Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The sky is falling!

What Chicken Little so famously uttered was almost reality this week.

The lack of a landfalling typhoon does not mean the lack of inclement weather affecting Hong Kong. Really, this past week has been extraordinary. The black rainstorm signal was issued again today. That makes for twice in a week. And "black rain" is supposed to be less common than typhoon signal 8 (equivalent to a tropical storm warning). Also, there were a total of 5 reported waterspouts over this same week. So all in all, some pretty crazy stuff from the skies.

Anyways, it's the middle of the second week of work now, and it's definitely less "nice and fresh" than at the beginning. Still, I guess it's better than just sitting at home and rotting every that I am no longer a child. Although there are still many many things that make a part of me wish for another shot at childhood. Oh well...there's no take 2 in life. Hah, if only I'd managed to tell myself that before. I need poetic release.

Hell, If Only I'd Managed to Think of That Earlier

Such is life. Sometimes you only see things
after the fact. With the benefit of .thgisdnih
Or maybe I was just nearsighted. Maybe I just lacked
Whatever happened, it was too -- l...a...t...e...

Life goes on
But only for a certain amou//_____ it can be cut short, at any time
nt of time. ____________________ we never know.

If only I could have thought.
If only I could have known.
If only I could have seen.
If only I could have done things right the first time.

Upon reflection, I wish to revisit.
And still life goes on.
You can try to fxi ifx fix it,
But still life goes on; it won't wait,
Because fixing won't erase anything,
It will just scratch out the past,
And the rebuilding will take up more time.

It remains possible --
sometime in the future --
It remains possible.

I hope.

Let the skies fall! Let the earth gape!

Still I hope.
I dare to.
I hope.

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