Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Writer's Block

You may have noticed that it's been a week since the last post. That's because of two things. One, I SAW PEOPLE OVER THE WEEKEND AND DID COOL STUFFS LIKE BADMINTON AND GOLF. Yippee! So that's a complete distraction from blogging already. Two, asides from that, nothing really I had no reason to blog.

So anyways, tomorrow is Thursday, and it happens to be the last workday of the week for me, because I took Friday off. I'll be seeing friends again ^_^ AND WE'RE WATCHING DESPICABLE ME. OMGWTFBBQ I'VE HEARD IT'S REALLY CUTE. Please pray that I don't die of fluffiness xD. Mebbe I'll do a movie review afterwards.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaanywho, back to earth now. The above paragraphs are probably totally different from any style of writing I have ever used on either blogs of mine. Usually I save the giddiness for chatting with friends cause it's more fun that way, but well...none of them are online right now, and I needed some way to get myself started with this post, so...yeah...

On a complete non sequitur, it is now...1, 2, 3...3 days and a night until I leave for Guizhou. Fun stuff. I'm actually fairly excited, although at the same time slightly apprehensive. Excited because this is pretty cool and meaningful, but apprehensive cause it's such a new and exotic experience. I really hope the love of God will be able to shine through from my actions, so that the kids and the people there can really notice something different, even though I'm not allowed to explicitly say anything about God. For those of you reading this, a prayer request for: physical protection on the trip, a sincere heart towards the children, a way to glorify God through this, and an experience I can learn from and cherish forever.

And that's where things stand. For now, this is Eddie Wong, signing off from Hong Kong. Good night, everyone!

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