Welcome to Hong Kong, Part II.
Yes, I wasn't done yesterday night, just overwhelmingly tired after being unable to sleep all flight long. I am NEVER able to sleep on planes. It's so damn cramped and the seating position is too upright. And for 14 hours too. It's like a nightmare, except you're awake. Or, rather, half-awake because you're so tired. Why don't they give people more leg room? After all, we're not all just tall enough to take the kiddies roller coaster. However, you can't expect too much, and really, Cathay Pacific is among the best already. You will not believe what they dished out for dessert: blueberry cheesecake and tiramisu. It really doesn't get any better.
And, never mind the sleeping blurb, cause I did manage to get in 8 hours of sleep on the first night. Really, jet lag isn't an issue when you arrive in Hong Kong. It's going back to Vancouver that's the problem. There's just so much to do during the day, you can't help but stay awake until it's a proper time to sleep. Such is Hong Kong. The brain gets the message after the first day. The kidney, however...will take up to 72 hours...
Speaking of 72 hours, a storm brewing in the South China Sea was supposed to be near Hong Kong in about that time, but as of now it is heading in a more southerly trajectory than originally thought, and will probably miss Hong Kong to the south and west. Damn. Oh well, I have a month and a half, so plenty of time for more tropical weather to brew.
So that's that. More to come in the days to come.