People in Hong Kong are generally pretty hurried. It's a bustling financial centre, and time is of the essence. Have you ever sounded the horn on a car? What does it sound like?
But, bad joke aside, this was the reason I expected to be accustomed to speeding vehicles on the streets of Hong Kong.
Apparently not. For whatever reason, maybe the rampant radar setups or traffic cameras, people in Hong Kong just don't speed. They may change lanes on a whim and be amazingly adept at squeezing their cars into puny parking spots, but they DO NOT speed. Hell, I'd probably have an easier time finding a speeding driver in the streets of Flin Flon, Manitoba than in Hong Kong.
Yes, Flin Flon is a place.
All I can say is, thank goodness I don't have to drive in Hong Kong, because with my level of patience, I'd probably never get through a day without flashing road rage at another driver, nor would I manage to go a week without a speeding ticket.
LOL @ the bad joke. I love it.