Thanksgiving just passed and I thought it would be nice to have a post for giving thanks...even though it's a bit belated.
I must start with giving thanks to God for just being here, and for everything that now surrounds me (and, I must be honest, this includes the food). Upon further reflection, this includes the dirt and grime of life too, because even though I really, REALLY don't understand anything about this right now, I'm sure it has a purpose, and I'll be thankful later, so I might as well deal with it by being thankful NOW.
A shout out to mom and dad...I'm thankful for you two...sometimes the presentation might not be the most obvious, and at times it might even seem like the exact opposite is true, but deep down, always, I love you. This extends to the rest of my family too, without the love-hate complications.
And of course I have to include my best of friends (goes without saying; you know who you are) on this list...honestly I don't know how I might have handled many separate incidents without you guys over the past few years. Standing beside me through all the times that I have been such a have no idea how much that means, but it's enough to bring tears to my eyes.
In conclusion, God, you're the best, and people who choose not to know you don't know what they're missing out on.
It's always a good time to give thanks to the LORD! God is good! I am thankful to have a thankful friend like you.