Friday, October 29, 2010

Another day, another year...

So ends another year of my life; so begins a new year. Nineteen. It's always like that when a new year starts. It feels foreign to me. I don't feel that age. The first few days, even weeks, if people ask me how old I am, I will answer with last year's age. Because I haven't grown into nineteen yet. Because I'm still eighteen, at heart. The mind and soul takes a while to catch up to the body.

Of course, lately, my mind and soul have taken a while to catch up to things in general. Exhaustion reigns supreme. Exhaustion with routine. Exhaustion with life. Exhaustion with spirit. Exhaustion with activity. If only life was like rechargeable batteries. I could just go up to a terminal and ZAP I'm awake!

Unfortunately, there is no such luxury available, and even if it were invented in the near future (near enough to fall within my lifetime), it'd probably be so expensive only the richest of the rich could afford it. Imagine such technology! A human recharging station.

For now, the coffee beckons...

Or the bed. The bed's good too.

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