So ends our few short days in Guizhou. Although I forgot my camera, and therefore currently have no pictures to display about the trip, I am fairly confident I don't need pictures to relay my emotions.
I am perfectly thrilled that I chose to come. Just seeing the joy beaming from the faces of all those children made it ALL worthwhile. Their lives are so simple, sometimes to the point of lacking, but they are still so happy. Whatever we gifted to them, even just a little bit, was received with the utmost gratitude and almost wonderment. What a far cry from our affluent world! And in return, innocent joy oozed from the children, and such warmth from the teachers, principal, and village chief! Never before has any time in my life come close to these past few days. What our team and the villagers were able to share together was truly priceless.
Sure, it took 1.5 hours of end-to-end bumping on a washed out road to get to school every morning, and the hotel every night. Sure, it was 37 degrees and humid, without air conditioning. Sure, bathroom amenities, or the lack thereof, made several things rather inconvenient. But in the end, I wouldn't have it any other way. It's hardly been 5 hours since we left the school, and already I am filled with a sense of emptiness. I miss them all, and if I have a chance to come next year, I would, in a heartbeat.
If there was one regret, it would be this: that we were not able to preach the Gospel, due to China's laws. And so, as I sit here right now, on the verge of tears, I hope that our love has been able to shine a light on something different, that they might be able to recognize it, and search for that something different. I pray that when they search for this, they will be able to find God, and when they have done so, to believe in Him, so that they might not just receive momentary joy in this life, but a rich, abundant, and eternal joy in the next.
May this dream one day be fulfilled.
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