Monday, January 24, 2011

Thinking outside the boundaries

It's generally agreed that thinking outside the box helps solve problems, and innovative thought patterns are a good thing. However, there are times when an active imagination can be a bit of a drag.

Ever have those moments when things just seem too coincidental, setting off a chain of thoughts that leads to the conclusion that something isn't right? Or one of those moments when you suddenly question somebody's motives and come up with some totally out-of-character, evil genius explanation for what was otherwise a trivial deed?

I'm guilty of it, but it taken a while for me to admit. I'm often very quick to point out when somebody might just be thinking a little out of bounds, a bit too much, and over-analysing the situation. However, I don't often recognise it when I do it myself, out of sheer bloody paranoia while the thoughts are firing off.

Of course, there are times when being wary is the right thing to do, but when we're talking about tried and true friends, this sort of thinking is hardly necessary, much less beneficial for me, or the person involved.

So here's to a happier, healthier, simpler thought process.

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