Saturday, January 1, 2011

Eyes on the road

Time flies, they say, and indeed it has. Already we've come to the end of a year, and the beginning of a new one. Since this is the time everyone looks back on the previous year, and also forward into the new year, it is perhaps fitting that we take a look at looking.

Perception is so important. How we see things, from which angle, all that jazz...however, it is nonetheless impossible to see anything of worth unless the initial issue is addressed: where do we look?

This question might be easier to answer with an analogy. In terms of perception, life is much like driving. When you go for a drive, you do not look through the sun roof, and by law, not at the screen of your smart phones because that's bound to get you into an accident. Rather, you keep your eyes on the road, often checking the side-view mirrors, and occasionally looking in the rear-view. So too in life. In front of us, our future, and where we look to go; beside us, our present, all too important and requiring attention; behind us, our past, there to reflect on, not dwell on. Miss out on any one of these, and it's off to the metaphorical (but sometimes even literal) hospital.

So, here's to a 2011 where I can learn a bit from 2010, look to friends and family around me now, and in doing so, strive for the future. Looking back, 2010 has had its ups and downs, but it's been a great one. Now, it's time to turn my eyes back onto the road.

Therefore, I'd like to conclude by wishing everyone a Happy New Year...and all the best for the year (and years) to come!

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