Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Apprehension gives way to a weary tediousness

School started on Tuesday. The weekend was a mad final dash for summer fun, coupled with an increasing sense of dread for the upcoming school year. That...very quickly gave way to the routine, boring, slightly tiring, and tedious moil and toil of the weekday days. Really I don't know what all that dread was about. Once it got started, things got rolling again...there was nothing to be afraid of. It's all been done before; it really wasn't anything new.

Reason 1 for a short post.

On a side note...given that I do not have a personal private computer at my fingertips until at least late in the month (I'm currently borrowing my mom's laptop)...September will probably be a slow blogging month. Don't hold your breath for new posts.

Reason 2 for a short post.

EDIT: My computer arrived very suddenly and a couple weeks ahead of schedule. I now do not have to borrow my mother's.

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